Time…we can’t stop it, make it, save it, or buy it, but we can waste it, spend it, or use it wisely.
It’s time for another new year, another 8,760 hours. As long as we live, we all have the same amount to use as we wish! Some of us will take the time to make New Year’s Resolutions. Not me!
It seems the success rate of making those promises and keeping them for a year is dismal. According to statistics, most last on average of 2-3 weeks, and only about 8% of people complete their goals. That’s a 92% failure rate!
Why? Have you noticed there’s a commonality to the lists of the most popular resolutions? Diet, lose weight, exercise, learn a new skill, travel more etc. etc., they’re usually all about physical improvements. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, but where are the lists of spiritual improvements and growth? The things that truly change us from the inside out?! More dramatically than physical changes…the things of God.
For me, it’s TIME for an “each day resolve”. How will the time God has given me just for today, be best appropriated ?
Do you know that research indicates that the “average” adult spends an “average” of 10 hours and 39 minutes a day looking at screens? That’s 74 hours and 55 minutes a week! Smartphones, iPads, tablets, computers, and TV have robbed us of an unbelievable amount of time!
I’m pretty sure we don’t want to be “average” so here are a few thoughts for some “Resolutions Solutions”.
Do you know what can be accomplished in just 71 hours? You could read the entire Bible, out loud, at pulpit rate. Faster, reading to yourself.
In 52 & 1/2 hours you could read the whole Old Testament.
In just 18 &1/2 hours you could read the whole New Testament.
What an amazing, God honoring, life changing use of time!
In just 5 minutes you could read through Psalm 119, which will show the extreme benefits of consuming God’s Holy Word. In this Psalm His Word is described as Law, Saying, Commandment, Statutes, Ordinances, Precepts, Judgement, Testimony, Way/Path. After reading it, an excellent exercise is to write down all the amazing things the Word accomplishes. You will notice there are concepts that continually repeat. One of my favorites is the word “revive”. I am ever grateful to be revived, renewed, enlivened, and brought back to life by God’s Word! Read verses 154, 156, 159. Psalm 119 could be a good place to start.
So what will you do with your 8,760 hours? Would you be willing to accept a “daily” resolution? Just for today! One day at a time! An hour, a half hour, 15 minutes? Would you be willing to give your time to beautifying your spirit?
Here’s a challenge, but not a difficult one…
If you spent 1 hour a day reading the Bible you could complete this wonderful Book in 71 days! If you started January 1, you’d finish by March 12!
If you spent 1/2 hour a day you could complete your reading by May 22!
If you spent 1/2 hour a day reading the New Testament you could complete it by February 6! (One hour a day, you would be finished by January 19.) This is the one I’m starting with so that after I read all about Jesus, I can take that and apply it to the Old Testament where I will also find Him!
Where does all the time go? Hopefully, this year, to something that spiritually feeds us well, sustains us, grows us up, strengthens us, blesses us mightily, brings us wisdom, builds our character and brings us closer to God The Father, God The Son, and God the Holy Spirit! And the failure rate must be minimal because God definitely wants us to succeed in spending time with Him.
Not “New Years Resolutions” but “Each New Day A New Resolution” make it manageable!
Do you want to hear from God? Read His Word. Do you want to hear Him audibly? Read His Word out loud! ☺️
Happy Blessed New Year!
Thank you Mary Lou for helping us all to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt. 6:33), every day resolving to diligently seek Him in his word, the Holy Bible, and apply His truths in every moment! Blessing to you in this and every new day!