The Weekly Scroll, Tishri 32 A.D. (the number of handwritten copies is very limited so please read and pass it on).
Last week’s headline – “NAZARENE CARPENTER CONTINUES TO SPREAD MISINFORMATION AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES” has created quite a stir! Your local reporter has followed up on this controversy.
A very prominent Pharisee, who prefers to remain anonymous, has bravely stepped forward as a “trumpet-whistle blower” to share some inside information. Apparently, the chief priests and the Pharisees convened The Council (their Supreme Court) and said, “What are we doing, this man is performing many signs.” From that day on they were planning together to kill Him.
Adding “fuel to their fire” came the report that Jesus went to the Temple, cast out all who were buying and selling, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves. He called out “My house shall be a house of prayer and you have made it a robber’s den.” He was teaching daily in the Temple and the chief priest, scribes and the leading men of the people set out to destroy Him. Jn. 11:47, Mk.11:18
According to my source,
The religious elite are agitated and desire to terminate this man’s free speech and endeavors. Hearing that He was healing people on the Sabbath they were seeking all the more to kill Him. The chief priests and Pharisees sent officers to seize Him and lock Him up. They were furious and losing control. He was claiming deity and multitudes were believing Him. The aristocracy were powerless to silence Him. So even wearing their religiously righteous and ostentatious robes they picked up stones to throw at Him. He just disappeared. Unprofessional and humiliating for them in my view! It seems, according to this reporter and his source, they are willing to violate their own laws and teachings. Illegalities and unlawfulness are being dismissed in their obsession to censor this uncensorable man and control the One who refuses to be controlled.
My source reports as more and more of the multitude become followers of this Jesus, the religious leaders are becoming more and more devious and cunning as they pursue entrapment, censorship, and a plethora of accusations, with the ultimate plan to kill Him. It would seem the outcome is looking disastrous. Jn. 5:18, Jn. 8:59
To be true to my journalistic integrity and balanced reporting, it is my aim to see and hear this Jesus and see for myself what is being expressed by so many. Stories of a gentle man, miracles, healing and eternal salvation. It is this reporter’s opinion that there is much more to this story, so look for next week’s “Weekly Scroll” report as we continue the narrative of censorship, trumped up charges and threats against the One who calls Himself the Son of God.
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